Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Goodbye & Hello: The New Petite Maison of Fashion

After many wonderful years together as fashion bloggers, Miki and I are splitting up. Don't worry, we're still best friends! As of now, I am in charge of Petite Maison of Fashion. From now on, I will be the sole blogger on Petite Maison of Fashion.

That said, I'd like to thank Miki from the bottom of my heart! It's thanks to her that we started this blog. It's her beautiful photos that filled our blog up. She is a wonderful friend, model, stylist, artist and blogger. She always makes me laugh when we're taking pictures, she knows when to say something doesn't look good in an outfit and knows how to live by spreading sunshine around for others to have.

I'm so happy to show you the new layout for Petite Maison of Fashion. You could say the blog has gotten a huge makeover. Let me give you a tour.

First off, admire the clean layout.

You can find new pages too. For example, here's my new about page (particularly proud about it) and also a sponsor page. Categories will be coming soon!

I love the new profile picture I made because I find that the text adds a bit of information I found lacking from the old blog design. The rest is simple, yet I tried to keep it chic.

What do you think?

Hopefully, you'll keep following me and leaving the sweetest comments you always find time to write.

Après de belles années ensemble en tant que blogueuses mode, Miki et moi nous séparons. Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous sommes encore des amies inséparables! Désormais, Petite Maison of Fashion m'appartient. Je serai dorénavant, l'unique blogueuse sur Petite Maison of Fashion.

Cela dit, j'aimerais remercier Miki de tout mon cœur! C'est grâce à elle que nous avons commencé ce blog. Ce sont ses belles photos qui l'ont si joliment peuplé. Elle est une super bonne amie, mannequin, styliste, artiste et blogueuse. Elle me fait toujours rire quand on prend des photos, elle sait dire quand quelque chose ne va pas dans un look et sait comment vivre en transmettant du bonheur aux autres. 

Je suis ravie de vous dévoiler le nouveau look de Petite Maison of Fashion. On peut dire c'est un relooking complet. Je vous fais la visite?

Tout d'abord, admirez la nouvelle disposition. 

Ensuite, il y a quelques pages qui viennent d'apparaître. Par exemple, voici la nouvelle page sur moi/d'accueil et aussi la page pour les partenariats

J'aime beaucoup la photo de profil, car je trouve que le texte ajoute un peu d'information essentielle. Le design est simple, mais j'ai essayé de le garder chic. 

Qu'en pensez vous?

J'espère que vous continuerez de me suivre et de toujours laisser vos commentaires adorablement gentils.



  1. aw <3

  2. I love the new design, Emma. It's like you moved houses, so I love your new *home* it's totally different from the old one. Say Hi to Miki for me.

    1. Thank you so much Lenya! It's still a bit of a work in progress but I'm quite happy with the new look. I'll give Miki a big hug for you.

  3. Love your new blog design, so pretty. ^^
    Lovely greets Nessa

  4. I love your blog, good luck continuing on with the new petite maison of fashion <3 x
    stop by if you like <3x

  5. Looking Great!!! I love that pink scarf.

  6. Nice change of the blog!!! good luck, dear Emma!!!
    Have a good week!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  7. Lovely blog, dear Emma



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