Sunday, November 1, 2015

Let's Talk About Sweaters

burgundy knit sweater vest and high waisted jeans
Grandmother knit vest, Target shirt, H&M jeans, New Look sneakers, vintage jewelry and belt, GlassesShop sunglasses*, necklace from Barcelona

burgundy knit sweater vest and high waisted jeans

burgundy knit sweater vest and high waisted jeans

Bergère de France, a French yarn company, should sponsor my grandmother. Most of my sweaters have been knit by her.

Here are a couple sweaters that you'll find in my drawers:
- The sweater that I'm wearing in these photos took my grandmother no less than a couple of weeks to finish.
- I particularly love this man's sweater because it's large and cozy (exactly like a blanket)
- Nothing is more chic than this creme colored shawl
- Once again, I love big sweaters like this one. I also love its caramel hue.
- Last but not least, what's better than a colorful sweater? Do you see what I mean? There is nothing more bright than fuchsia in the middle of winter when snow covers the ground and the sky is grey.

Do you have an amazing grandmother who knits you sweaters? Do you knit?

Bergère de France devrait sponsoriser ma grand-mère. La plupart de mes pulls ont été fait par elle. 

Voici quelques-uns des pulls dans ma commode:

- Le gilet que je porte dans ce poste lui a seulement pris quelques semaines à faire. 
- J'affectionne particulièrement ce pull d'homme car il est large et douillet (tout comme une grosse couverture d'hiver).
- Il n'y a pas plus chic que cet étole blanc cassé
- Encore une fois, j'aime les pulls amples. Celui-ci l'est mais aussi j'adore sa couleur caramel.
- Finalement, quoi de mieux qu'un pull avec du pepse? Voyez-vous ce que je veux dire? Il n'y a pas plus coloré que le fuchsia en hiver, quand la neige recouvre le sol et que le ciel est gris.

Avez-vous une super mamie qui vous tricote des pulls? Tricotez vous-même?

burgundy knit sweater vest and high waisted jeans

burgundy knit sweater vest and high waisted jeans

burgundy knit sweater vest and high waisted jeans

burgundy knit sweater vest and high waisted jeans
photos: PAUL


  1. You look so pretty!!! Nice sweater!!!
    Have a good week!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  2. Love your gold necklace!

  3. Totally in love with your outfit!

  4. Ultra cool jersey and shades!
    XoXo from South Africa

  5. I love your vest, the colour is so pretty. You look gorgeous, lovely outfit <3

    Valentina from FASHION with VALENTINA.

  6. J'aime énormément ton style et ton look.
    Tu es resplendissante.

  7. I can't believe your grandmother made that sweater! She must be so talented. It's so lovely and chic.

  8. Such a pretty outfit! That sweater looks so cozy!


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