When I don't wear my hair up in a ponytail or down without any accessories, I struggle to find other hairstyles to adopt. I tested out a couple looks and here are my favorite.
Quand je ne porte pas mes cheveux en queue de cheval ou lâchés sans accessoires, je peine à trouver une autre façon de me coiffer. J'ai expérimenté avec quelques looks et en voici mes préférés.


Nothing more simple, yet glamorous, than hiding your luscious locks in a nice hat. Pull out a couple strands of hair to get that wavy look. Make sure your hat fits snugly onto your head, otherwise this look will quickly become the opposite of glamourous.
Rien de plus simple que de cacher toute sa tignasse sous un beau chapeau. On fait sortir quelques mèches pour un effet bouclé. Enfoncez bien votre chapeau, sinon ce bon plan tombera à l'eau.


I don't have enough hair to wrap around into a ballerina bun. However, I can start by making a ponytail and just before wrapping that elastic one more time, I leave the elastic hugging my hair into a fake bun. Easy peasy.
Je n'ai pas assez de cheveux pour me faire un vrai chignon de ballerine. Par contre, je commence par faire une queue de cheval, et au dernier moment, je laisse l'élastique envelopper mes mèches pour faire un faux chignon. Fastoche.


Does your hair sometimes end up in your eyes/mouth/nose (you get it the point)? I like wearing my hair down but it always ends up annoying me. A simple solution is to take a couple strands of hair and make a fake bun (see previous hairstyle idea) while letting the rest of your mane loose. It's a nice half up half down look.
What are your thoughts? Do you have any other ideas for short hair?
Est-ce que ça vous arrive d'avoir toujours les cheveux dans les yeux/bouche/nez (enfin, bref, vous comprenez)? J'aime lâcher mes cheveux mais ils finissent toujours par m'agacer. Une solution assez simple consiste à faire un faux chignon (voir coiffure précédente) à partir de quelques mèches et de garder le reste de vos cheveux libres.
Qu'en pensez-vous? Avez-vous d'autres idées pour mes cheveux courts?

photos: PAUL
All three looks quite cool, love the last one the best. Braids? pigtails? banana? Can't remember what it's called, the one where you just take your sides back with combs, do you know what I mean?
I know what you mean, I think it's called "banana", as weird as that sounds :)
DeleteI'm such a big fan of "the cheater" - as someone with short hair myself, I know the struggle of my hair not being quite long enough to make a real bun.
Haha cheating your way out is THE way to go.
DeleteIt's been quite some time since I've been able to comment on your blog (I've been ridiculously busy) but here I am :) I like all three hairstyles but my favourite is probably the first one: so elegant and glam!
ReplyDeleteBold Bliss
It's always a pleasure to hear back from you!
DeleteLove all 3 hairstyles. I actually wore the last one yesterday. I love having my hair down but it's always somewhere on my face and I can't write in school. My favourite hairstyle is half up top knot, similar to the last one, you put the top layer of your hair into a messy bun. Great post, love your photos :)
ReplyDeleteValentina from fashionwithvalentina.blogspot.com
Yes, the last one is my go-to, Valentina!
DeleteHello Emma,
ReplyDeleteComment vas-tu?
Je fais souvent ce genre de coiffure, surtout avec le chapeau, c'est super pratique!!
Ah je suis contente que tu aimes aussi cette coiffure toute simple!
DeleteThank you Irene.
ReplyDeleteMuch thanks for composing such a fascinating article on this theme. This has truly made me think and I would like to peruse more. hairstyles for women over 60