Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Best From 2015

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

Ta da! Today is the last day of 2015. As I'm thinking back to all the wonderful things that happened this year, I realize how wonderful of a year it has been. Unfortunately, there were some hard times for my family but we're trying to find the good side of things and move on.

Thank you to all of you who keep following this blog. The numbers keep growing and growing and you all keep subscribing to my newsletter, to the Bloglovin' account and you keep writing (adorable) comments on my blog posts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Each day when I check my inbox, I find such sweet emails from you all and some companies. It makes me so happy to have this wonderful internet community in my life.

Et voilà! Aujourd'hui c'est la fin de l'année 2015. En pensant à toutes les belles choses qui se sont passées cette année, je me rends compte qu'elle était vraiment une bonne, très bonne, année. Malheureusement, il y a eu des moments difficiles pour ma famille mais j'essaie de trouver le bon côté des choses et d'avancer. 

Merci à toutes et à tous de continuer de me suivre avec ce blog. Vous êtes de plus en plus à vous abonner à ma newsletter, à Bloglovin' et aussi à me laisser des commentaires (adorables)! Merci du fond du cœur. Chaque jour quand je vérifie ma boîte email, je tombe sur des messages gentils de vous et de quelques compagnies. Ça me fait tellement plaisir que cette communauté d'internautes fasse partie de ma vie. 

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

#fashion #looks #streetstyle #fashionblogger

Thank you again and happy New Year!

Merci encore et bonne année 2016!!


  1. Lovely pictures! Love your diverse style...and wishing you a very Happy New Year 2016!!

    Christina ♥

  2. You had a very stylish year, Emma. Love all the looks. Wishing you a happy and joy filled New Year.

  3. You truly had some beautiful looks this past year, we hope to keep seeing gorgeous looks in the coming year. Happy New Year!

    ISA Professional

  4. Love all your sungalsses !

  5. Happy New Year Emma! Can't wait to see what you'll post here in 2016. I hope that 2016 will be amazing for you. Lovely post :)

    Valentina from

    1. Thank you Lenya, I hope the same for you. Happy New Year!


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