I went through a phase where I complained a great deal. I hadn't slept enough, I had too much homework, a specific class wasn't good, such and such was annoying me and much more. I always had a "good reason". Throughout this year, thanks to age and wisdom :) , I tried to minimize my complaints. I realized how futile it was. Instead, act and put things into perspective. I wrote a list to help you transition to positivity:
1. Everything is relative.
2. There's always a worse situation than your's. Think about if you have "the right" to complain.
3. Save your time: instead of talking about how bad it is, do something to make it better.
4. You'll be happier if you stay positive. Instead of seeing the bad, think about what has been going well or something you did that you're proud of.
5. Watch this video by Casey Neistat (21:07 - 24:33) if you still aren't convinced.
J'ai traversé une période où je me plaignais beaucoup. Je n'avais pas assez dormi, j'avais trop de devoirs, tel cours n'était pas assez bien, telle personne m'agaçait et j'en passe. Il y avait toujours une "bonne raison". Au cours de cette année, peut-être est-ce grâce à l'âge et la sagesse :) que j'ai essayé de réduire mes plaintes. Je me suis rendue compte que ça ne servait à grand chose d'être négative. Autant agir et prendre du recul. Pour vous aider dans votre transition vers "le positivisme", je vous ai rédigé une petite liste:
1. Tout est relatif.
2. Il y a toujours pire que votre situation. Est-ce que vous avez le "droit" de vous plaindre?
3. Gagnez du temps: au lieu de vous apitoyer sur votre sort, agissez pour améliorer votre condition.
4. En restant positive, vous serez plus heureuse. Dans une situation, au lieu de toujours voir le pire, essayez de vous réjouir de ce qui va bien ou de quelque chose dont vous êtes fière.
5. Regardez cette vidéo de Casey Neistat (21:07 - 24:33) si vous n'êtes pas encore convaincue.
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Postagem ótima, obrigado pela visita, tenha uma semana abençoada.
Thank you! Have a good week too
DeleteGreat post! You´re right!
Think happy, be happy. Good one, Emma.
Thanks Lenya
DeleteIts really true, everything that you said.
ReplyDeleteThanks for advices
Big kiss from MM
You're welcome.
Deleteyou make me feel so guilty...i still complain a lot but not about my life but mostly about airlines in the USA!! they have really hit the dumps in terms of service! ugh don't get me started. but you are so right! stay positive and be happy with what you have, that's the way to go, because there will always be someone better off than you and worse off than you!
You don't have to feel guilty Diana! It's a good first step to acknowledge that you complain because some people refuse to admit it.
DeleteInspiring post, babe!! Totally agree!
ReplyDeleteAdi xx
Thanks Adi