Monday, February 19, 2018


I thought I was a pro meditaor with my daily five minutes thanks to my app. Oh how I was wrong!! After having read the "Yoga Meditation" notebook by Agathe Thine, which I got for Christmas from one of my best friends, I tested out a 10 minute meditation without an app to guide me. I felt like a three year old who couldn't sit still for a second! Since there was no voice to concentrate on, I was distracted by all ambient noises (the heating system, cars going by etc.) and couldn't focus. Having a competitive spirit (with myself) I can't wait to try again tomorrow, but maybe with a guide. Meditating for five minutes has become too easy, but ten minutes seems impossible and so slow!

Je me croyais excellente méditante avec mes cinq minutes quotidiennes, grâce à mon appli! Mais que nenni!! Après avoir lu le cahier "Yoga méditation" d'Agathe Thine, que j'ai reçu pour Noël de la part d'une de mes meilleures amies, j'ai testé la méditation de dix minutes, sans application comme guide. Je me sentais comme une petite fille de trois ans incapable de tenir en place. Comme il n'y avait aucune voix à écouter, j'étais distraite par tous les bruits ambiants (chauffage, voitures etc.) et n'arrivais pas à me concentrer. Étant d'esprit compétitive (avec moi-même), j'ai hâte de m'y remettre demain, mais peut-être avec une appli pour commencer doucement. Méditer pendant cinq minutes m'est devenu trop facile; mais dix minutes me semblent impossibles et d'une lenteur incroyable! 

Pimkie vest, Gap pants, Zaful shirt*, Vans shoes

photos: SARAH


  1. I can relate, I can't do s*** with my guided meditations ! And last year during my MBSR seminar, our instructor told us that we were supposed to meditate at least 25 minutes daily to see real results on stress etc... that's a real challenge !


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