Monday, January 23, 2017

Crème de la crème

Knit ear warmer, cream leather jacket, cream sweater, black skinny jeans and Vans #ootd

Knit ear warmer, cream leather jacket, cream sweater, black skinny jeans and Vans #ootd

It’s been over a year now that I impatiently await Mondays. Yes, I like the fresh start of the week. However, it’s also because Mondays is when my Spotify Discovery Weekly playlist comes out. It’s a little thing, yet it makes me giddy with happiness Sunday night before I go to bed. I love listening to my playlist Monday afternoon, after a long day. Usually, there are at least one or two songs I discover and like, or a gem that I play on repeat for the duration of the week. Spotify Discovery Weekly playlists are like presents: 30 songs that are supposed to please you, always your taste in music, but ones you hand’t particularly heard of.  

Cela fait plus d’un an que j’attends impatiemment les lundis. Oui, j’aime le début de la semaine où tout recommence. En revanche, c’est plutôt parce que le lundi est le jour de la sortie de ma nouvelle playlist “découverte” de Spotify. C’est une petite attention qui me fait tressaillir de bonheur le dimanche soir avant de me coucher. J’adore écouter ma playlist l’après-midi après une journée bien chargée. En général, il y a au moins une ou deux chansons que je découvre et, de temps en temps, une pépite que je passe en boucle le reste de la semaine. Pour moi, les playlists “découvertes” de Spotify sont de véritables petits cadeaux hebdomadaires: 30 chansons qui sont sensées vous faire plaisir, qui sont toujours à votre goût, mais que vous ne connaissez pas forcément. 

Knit ear warmer, cream leather jacket, cream sweater, black skinny jeans and Vans #ootd

Knit ear warmer, cream leather jacket, cream sweater, black skinny jeans and Vans #ootd
 photos: PAUL 


  1. you look great x
    i'm following you ♥

  2. Woah! Such a stylish outfit! I can't get enough of your gold metallic jacket! It's so unique! I rarely see moto jackets with a metallic sheen!

    xo, Chloe //

  3. This is by far my favorite outfit i've seen on your blog!
    You look gorgeous!

  4. AMEN to that! Love Spotify Mondays :)

    xx Rebecca //

  5. Oh I love this bright, neutral look! I adore that jacket!
    I agree with you not minding Mondays. I didn't know Monday was when Spotify updates their lists, I should really use their discover feature more haha!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes


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